Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness Training options we might provide for your team (or call to customize):

  1. A 1-hour Introductory Session
  2. A 4-hour session (1hr for 4 weeks or a 1/2-day seminar)
  3. A 6-hour session (1hr for 6 weeks – This is a deeper dive into changing the culture of a team or organization.)

Topics we can cover include:

  • Mindfulness for Executives/Leaders
  • Mindfulness for the Employee 
  • Mindfulness for Relationships 
  • Mindfulness to Improve Productivity
  • Mindfulness for Creativity
  • Mindfulness for Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Workplace Wellness Program

We offer workplace wellness package which includes:

  • Seminars on a variety of Health and Wellness Topics (e.g., injury prevention, mindfulness, nutrition education,
    stress reduction, exercise training, physical activity, and much more)
  • Mindfulness and Mental Health and Wellness One-on-One Coaching
  • Mindfulness 4-Week Online Courses
  • Exercise and Physical Activity Training/Goal Setting
  • Musculoskeletal Evaluation
  • Muscle and Body Treatment (Muscle Activation Technique – MAT)

Contact Us for more information and to schedule a consultation on how we can help support your leaders and staff with
wellness services through our renewable yearly contracted program.

Email: cenell@ccwellnessinc.com or call 740.277.1995.
We look forward to working with you and your organization.

How Can Dr. Cenell Help?

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